The Brookylyn Guesthouses offers fine accommodation in Pretoria. The South Africa guest house is a great place to stay for both business and leisure travelers. It features three conference venues if you have business to conduct while in Pretoria. In just a five minute drive, guests can reach the Central Business District and the Union Building. The guest house also has telephone, fax and Internet facilities for your use. There are loads to see and do in the area for the leisure traveler, as well. You can easily reach Freedom Park, Church Square, the Pretoria Zoo, and the Transvaal Museum. You can watch a game of rugby or soccer at the Loftus Versfel Sports Stadium, which is within walking distance. You can shop in the Brooklyn Mall, which has a wide array of shops, markets, and restaurants. The mall is right next to the guest house. You can also go bird watching at the Austin Robert’s Bird Sanctuary or play a round of golf nearby. At the guest house, you can spend your time unwinding from a hectic day. There is a tea garden where you can enjoy a small snack or a beverage. Surrounding all of these structures is a beautiful garden filled with trees, sitting areas, water features, and swimming pools. Other services include 24-hour security, a transfer service, a laundry service, telephone, fax, and Internet facilities, and a banqueting service.