This provider of Knysna accommodation is located near the city’s waterfront. Guests of this hotel may take nature walks in the nearby forests or explore the many shops and restaurants to be found quayside. Boating tours of the Heads depart from nearby this hotel. There are also golf courses nearby this hotel. Guests of the Knysna Log-Inn Hotel may hire transportation from the city of George to Knysna. The nearest international airport is in Cape Town.
The rooms at the Knysna Log-Inn Hotel are distributed over the structure’s three stories. Each of the rooms has a private balcony. The hotel features a completely yellow wood construction with large windows.
A smaller facility, the Knysna Log-Inn Hotel offers many of its amenities via partnerships with nearby businesses. There are golf courses associated with this hotel and guests may opt to order room service from several nearby restaurants. The hotel has a conference center that can accommodate up to 120 individuals. There is parking available at this hotel.