This Orange Beach hotel is called the Pelican Pointe. It is located near the top attractions of the area, including many golf courses and beach facilities. This hotel is found at the address of 24800 Perdido Beach Blvd., Orange Beach in Alabama. The Pelican Pointe is just a short drive away from the international and regional airport.
Note that the minimum check-in age is 21. Guests can choose between king, queen or double bed units. For entertainment there is a TV, VCR, stereo and DVD player in the living room. For comfort there is a sofa sleeper which can also accommodate another person. The largest rooms have a maximum capacity of eight people. The Pelican Pointe also offers modern features in each room like microwaves, mini-fridges and air conditioning.
Amenities at the Pelican Pointe are limited but appropriate for this class of hotel. There is a trash service as well as a cleaning service and front desk service. This facility does not allow pets or smoking.