The Pelicans Watch is located condominium complex consisting of two buildings of privately owned units located on Shore Drive in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The hotel is close to the famed Restaurant Row, golf courses, excellent shopping, and numerous entertainment and amusements. Guests can also take advantage of watersports, enjoyable night life, and fishing at the nearby Apache Pier
The hotel offers services and amenities which include elevator, barbeque areas will grills, fitness center, pool, tennis court, fireplace, picnic area, and tennis courts. Pets are not allowed.
Each of the guestroom is equipped with microwave, kitchen dishwasher, refrigerator, cable TV, wet bar off living room, coffeemaker, toastmaker, queen-size sofa bed, and vaccum cleaner. Please note that pets, motorcycles, and trailers are not allowed. Rates are based on double occupancy. Charges for extra adults may apply and will be due directly to the hotel. There is A cleaning fee of USD 100.00 plus tax will be charged at check-in. Check-in is at 4 pm. Check-out is at 10 am. Office hours are from 8.30 am to 5 pm daily. Minimum age required at check-in is 25. All check-ins are at 9581 Shore Drive. If your arrival will be later than 5pm, please call the office at 843-449-0467 for instructions on how to obtain your unit keys and information.