This Hilton Head Island hotel is close to numerous shopping and dining opportunities. Guests of the Marriott's SurfWatch Resort Hilton Head Island will want to explore all that the island has to offer. Points of interest include the Coastal Discovery Museum and the Carolina Coastal Arts Center. Check out all the shops at Coligny Plaza or play a round of golf at one of the renowned golf courses in the area. Go horseback riding or dolphin watching. Annual island festivals include the Wine Fest and Harbour Fest. The nearest major airport to the Marriott's SurfWatch Resort Hilton Head Island is the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport. The smaller municipal island airport is just miles away.
Comfort is assured at the Marriott's SurfWatch Resort Hilton Head Island with features like a deluxe multi-head shower in the master bath. The rooms offer full kitchens, washer and dryer units, and balcony views.
Charming amenities abound at the Marriott's SurfWatch Resort Hilton Head Island – you’ll want to explore every inch of the resort. There’s a fire pit with oyster shucking tables, which isn’t something you see at every resort. Grills and picnic tables are available for guests to use. The hotel’s rim-flow oceanfront pool awaits, and attractive footbridges guide guests around the resort and along the private beach down the Atlantic Ocean.