Opened in 1984 as a bed and breakfast, the Harraseeket Inn was built by a Maine family with a history of innkeeping that goes back to 1895. This luxury country inn encompasses two period buildings (1798 and 1850). together with its modern (1989) addition and five acres of grounds, all within walking distance to the entire village. It has air-conditioning, cable television with HBO, a complete sprinkler system for your safety, and all the amenities any discriminating traveler would expect. Enjoy your complimentary tea every day in our mahagany panelled drawing room, after a day of exploring more than 100 factory outlet stores that have turned Main Street into an exciting shopping mecca. If shopping isn't for you, visit Wolfe Neck Park or Mast Landing Sanctuary and explore the coastline, hiking along the edge of the ocean amidst the most beautiful scenery you will ever see. Check out the Town Landing, where the lobster fisherman and clammers brin g in their daily catch. Hop an excursion boat to the islands, rent a sailboat or a powerboat to the islands. Many of our guests use the Inn as a base while they explore the Lakes Region or go day tripping to Boothbay Harbor or Camden. You can also take in an L.L. Bean Public Clinic and learn how to build a fly rod, cook small game or just survive in the Maine woods. Bean gives very interesting courses all year. Start your day with a sumptuous Maine breakfast...we put the coffee our at six a.m. for the early risers. Your breakfast is included in your room rate. Lunch is an exciting event, served buffet style with a with a delicious array of appetizers and entrees. Our dinner menu is unsurpassed, featuring traditional American cuisine with a con