Visitors who stay at this Destin Hotel will find that they are within walking distance of many attractions. They will be able to walk to restaurants, shops, and even some golf courses. The Big Kahuna Waterpark is also nearby. Guests of the SunDestin Beach Resort Destin can also visit the beach or go fishing. The SunDestin Beach Resort Destin is only 7 miles from the Okaloosa County Airport. Guests will find that many attractions are within just a short walk of the hotel. They can use their own vehicles, rental cars, or public transportation to reach other areas.
Guests can choose from one, two, and three bedroom condominiums at the SunDestin Beach Resort Destin. The accommodations have fully equipped kitchens, bathrooms, and balconies. Many of the balconies have views of the Gulf of Mexico.
The hotel offers a variety of conveniences for guests. Travelers staying at the SunDestin Beach Resort Destin will be able to use the two onsite pools, work out in the onsite fitness center, and relax in the hot tub. The hotel also has a massage therapist, a convenience store, and a 24-hr front desk.