The Gold Eagle Inn offers unique and satisfying dining experience for visitors and area residents alike. The rustic country inn was constructed in 1962 from parts of three antique barns, brought in and put to gether peice by peice. Spanning and supporting the ceiling are a series of large, hand-hewn timbers that must have cost some brawny lad many a hard days labor. On disply in the Bell Room is a striking collection of antique bells Sleigh, Hame, Brass, Crystal and China for your appreciation and enjoyment. There s also a scale reproduction of the Liberty Bell, cast at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in England as a tribute to our nation's Bicentinnial, as well as the bell from Engine 200 of Pittsburgh and Shawmut Railroad. Feel free to browse and examine the harnesses, housings and the hames displayed in the lounge and dining room and the collection of antique whiskey stills hanging in the Still Room.