This hotel in Biloxi is ideally located for business or pleasure. Guests of the Breakers Inn will have convenient and easy access to a variety of attractions and entertainment venues in the local area. The casinos and Coliseum are located only 1.5 miles from the hotel property. There are also ten golf courses located in the nearby area around the hotel. Guests will also be able to easily access many restaurants and dining options. The airport is located within a short drive of the Breakers Inn. This accommodation can be easily reached from the local Interstate and highways. Public transportation is available in the local area.
Guestrooms at the Breakers Inn feature a range of amenities, including fully equipped kitchens, large living areas, separate dining areas, washers and dryers and a patio that overlooks the Gulf of Mexico. This accommodation offers one or two bedroom suites and townhouses.
The Breakers Inn offers all of the standard and modern amenities that would be expected in a townhouse style accommodation.