Situated in the Yakikavak region of the city, the Golden Age Hotel Yalikavak offers travelers a unique destination. This historic area is filled with attractions, including a number of ancient ruins. Travelers will find themselves near all that the city has to offer. The Golden Age Hotel Yalikavak is situated only 45 kilometers away from the airport. Guests will discover that the city offers a well connected public transit system, offering easy access to both the airport and the many points of interest and attractions located throughout the city.
Each of the guestrooms at the Golden Age Hotel Yalikavak offers travelers a number of comforts. All rooms offer an elegant décor as well as numerous amenities. Each room also includes a private en-suite bathroom.
Guests of the Golden Age Hotel Yalikavak will discover an array of shops and restaurants in the nearby city center. The hotel also offers bars and restaurants. Onsite amenities include three swimming pools, a renowned garden, a sauna, and much more.