Situated along the shores of the Aegean, the Casa Dell'Arte Hotel Torba offers travelers a scenic location. This is one of few hotels in Bodrum with a private beach, offering guests a relaxing destination. The hotel offers visitors easy access to all that Torba Bay has to offer. The Casa Dell'Arte Hotel Torba is located a short drive from the international airport. Guests will find that public transit is available throughout Bodrum, offering easy access to the airport as well as to the many city attractions.
Each of the guestrooms at the five star Casa Dell'Arte Hotel Torba includes an array of amenities. Each room offers numerous contemporary gadgets and luxuries. All rooms also include a private en-suite bathroom for comfort and relaxation.
Guests of the Casa Dell'Arte Hotel Torba will find that the hotel is situated near many shopping and dining options. The hotel offers 2 bars as well as 3 restaurants. Onsite amenities include a fitness center, a pool, art classes, Pilates, and a mini spa.