The Park Side Hotel is only 1.5 km from the beach in Side. Guests of the hotel will be able to enjoy the various water sports, as well as visit the local shops, eateries, and historical sites. The Park Side Hotel is 65 km from the airport. Guests will be able to use public transportation or rental cars to reach the airport and other areas they want to see. In addition, they will find that some attractions are within walking distance of the hotel.
When guests choose to stay at the Park Side Hotel, they will be able to choose from 82 double rooms, 6 suites, and 24 apartments depending on their requirements.
This fully air conditioned hotel opened in 1998 and underwent renovation in 2000. Guests of the Park Side Hotel will be able to use the site's parking area or garage if they arrived by car. The hotel also provides 24-hr reception and a currency exchange facility, as well as safes. Also at the hotel are an a la carte restaurant, TV room, game room, mini-mart, and more.