Nearby the Orka Royal Hotel one is availed access to public transportation including trams, trains and busses. The Sultanahmet is within walking distance, providing the opportunity to tour St. Sophia, the Blue Mosque and many other historically-significant sites. The Orka Royal Hotel is about 30 minutes from Ataturk International Airport. The front desk can accommodate arrivals 24-hours per day.
The rooms at the Orka Royal Hotel feature private baths, air conditioning and private balconies. They are decorated in a modern theme, with natural tones, comfortable wood furniture and patterned fabrics. The hotel also has private boats which take guests on tours of the Bosphorus. There is a restaurant available for guests and a lounge which serves cocktails. Laundry services and valet services are available, as well.
The Orka Royal Hotel is popular with business travelers and recreational travelers alike. It enjoys a desirable location for a hotel in Istanbul: in close proximity to the Sultanahmet district, the heart of the city's historic center. The facility boast modern amenities and services and totals almost 100 rooms.