Mirilayon Hotel is considered as one of the best hotel of the city, thanks to its historical view, perfect decoration and comfort. By the quality of our service. We are aiming the satisfaction of our guests at the highest level and we try to let all of our guests feel as if they were at their own home.
Mirilayon Hotel is providing to their guests many facilities through its perfect location at the historical place. Our hotel in mirilayon have excellent all hotels by renowated with hardware and decoration equipmant, comfort and service with team.
Located at the historical peninsula of Sehzadebasi, our Hotel is very near to worldwide famous places like palaces, museums and shopping centers. It is also located in a walking distance to historical and cultural beauties such as Grand Bazaar, Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia Museum, Blue Mosque, Underground Cistern, Archeological Museum and Turkish Islamic Art Museum...