Nestled amidst dense forests and enchanting reserve forests and National Parks, Prachinburi is a must-visit for nature lovers. The location of Kao Yai Grandview Resort makes it perfect for a getaway from city life, and the hotel offers a shuttle bus service making it easy for you to get there. All of the guestrooms are furnished to a high standard, and are decorated in typical Vietnamese style. Each room is air-conditioned and spacious, equipped with telephone and writing desk and offer lovely views of the surrounding area. The resort features on site restaurants, a bar, coffee shop and Barbeque terrace where you can enjoy a range of delicious food and drinks. For fitness and recreation, Kao Yai Grandview has a swimming pool, jogging track and tennis courts. You can rent mountain bikes and ask staff about local excursions. The hotel also offers room service, parking and laundry services.