This hotel in Koh Phangan is known as the Paradise Bungalows Koh Phangan. It is a short distance away from many top city attractions. The property is conveniently located to many popular Koh Phangan spots. This accommodation is found at 84820 Haad Rin Beach in Koh Phangan, or Samui, Thailand. The Paradise Bungalows Koh Phangan is a short distance from public transportation.
There are modern furnishings for rooms at the Paradise Bungalows Koh Phangan. Guests can expect air conditioned units, a private balcony and terrace and free bottled water. Internet service is provided free of charge while private bathrooms have hot/cold showers. Room service is available here. There is no TV here but very scenic views of the ocean are provided. Decoration style is some traditional Thai but with a touch of modernism.
Recreational features of the Paradise Bungalows Koh Phangan include a massage center, a spa, a water sports area and a garden. Other features include a coffee shop, a bar and pub, a laundry service (or dry cleaning service), as well as an on-site restaurant.