Centrally located next to major shopping centre with walking distance to the most famous buildings in the city.
Hotel entered Radisson Sas hotels worldwide 1jan99, so changes will happen still. It nicely combines business efficiency and old traditions. Beautiful relax centre `small spa` with light wood, and lots of light.
A white impressive city brick building.
Breakfast has won Sweden`s best award. Main restaurant with red and blue, Overall warm and homely feeling. East/west American style bistro most popular in town.
Single rooms Are small with old green and lighter colours. Well kept but also the bathrooms quite small. Doubles Are medium to large with some older style details and maritime feeling. Light colours. Good condition.
The lobby is medium and unlike radissons generally, has only one small reception desk. Some seating Area, dark coloured fabrics and stone floors. Large windows and chandeliers. Direct access to restaurants.
36 kms to the nearest airport (arly), 7 minute walk to the nearest bus stop, 75 km to the nearest fair site (stockholm), Close to the station (uppsala station).