The cosy minihotel settles down in a historical building of the XIX-th century. In each of fourteen rooms of the hotel you will be met with taste by the picked up interior creating house atmosphere, the TV, convenient furniture and a bathroom with modern plumber.
All premises and the hotel hall, executed in uniform design style, decorate pictures and elements of an ancient decor. In a dining room, home-style cosy, you are waited every morning by a continental breakfast included in cost of residing. The benevolent and hospitable personnel of hotel is always ready to answer any questions of visitors and to consider requirements of everyone.
The hotel is located on one of trunk mains of St. -Petersburg ? the Moscow prospectus. On Moscow, 18 where the hotel settles down, in 1906 lived under another's passports V. I. Lenin and N. K. Krupskaja. On Moscow, 20 ? the writer, the publicist and revolutionar A. I. Herzen. On Moscow, 22 ? the writer and critic Faddej Bulgarin, and later - revolutionar-bombist N. I. Kibalchich. Opposite to hotel there is a river Fontanka and the Izmajlovsky garden where since 1980 The St. -Petersburg State Youth theatre under control of S. Spivaka works well-known. From hotel it is possible to walk on foot to Uspenija Presvjatoj Devy Maria's located in 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya street Catholic cathedral ? in it regularly pass sacred music concerts. The Polish garden near to a cathedral ? one more city sight. Nearby to hotel there is also a Troitskaya Square where you can admire amazing dark blue domes of the Troitsky cathedral and observe a course of restoration works.