The Prin hotel offers 36 spacious comfortable doublerooms with all the conveniences of a home-likeatmosphere. For those travellers who like to restwith luxury the hotel offers 6 deluxe suites that canaccommodate up to 4 guests each. While staying inthe hotel you are welcome to use the additionalsevice - pick up from the place of arrival safe 24hours guarded parking lot safety boxes urgentmedical aid wake up calls. At the hotel restaurantyou will be pleased with a combination ofcomfortable atmosphere and delicious meal foraffordable prices. We serve dishes of WestEuropean and Russian cuisine prepared byprofessionals. The Cafe bar is famous for lightsnacks nice beverages and fast food dishes. Stays open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Essential goods gifts and souvenirs you can surelypurchase in the hotel shop. We are always glad tosee you in the hotel.
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