Set along the shores of Lake Tarawera is Lodge at 199 Rotorua. Guests of this hotel will find themselves in the heart of the geothermal region. Other city attractions are also within easy reach. Lodge at 199 Rotorua is located only a short distance from the international airport. Guests will find public transit stops throughout the area, offering easy access to the airport as well as to the many attractions and points of interest that are located throughout Rotorua.
Each of the guestrooms at Lodge at 199 Rotorua offers travelers a wide array of amenities to enjoy. Rooms include large wardrobes, fireplaces, balconies, radios, DVD players, television, and telephones. Rooms also include refrigerators and private bathrooms.
Guests of Lodge at 199 Rotorua will find themselves near an abundance of shopping and dining options. The hotel also boasts a wide selection of onsite amenities, including a lounge that serves both drinks and food. The hotel also offers kayaks as well as croquet and petanque courts.