The Princes Gate Hotel is a historic Victorian hotel located in the heart of town. This Rotorua hotel offers travelers easy access to the Government Gardens as well as the Energy Events Center. The Rotorua Convention Center is located just across the street from the hotel. The Princes Gate Hotel is located within 20 minutes of the airport. The city’s public transit network offers travelers easy access to the airport as well as to points of interest throughout Rotorua.
Each of the 50 guestrooms at the 4.5 star Princes Gate Hotel offers many amenities for guests to enjoy. Travelers will find that each room offers wireless Internet access, television, radios, and direct dial phones. Each room also offers a full en-suite bathroom.
Guests of the Princes Gate Hotel will find many shopping and dining choices nearby. The hotel also offers 3 pools, a sauna, and a library. Guests will find a business center, an Internet courtyard, and a locally renowned restaurant onsite.