Nestled along private beaches in Rotorua, the Lake Okareka Lodge by lebua offers travelers a quiet and convenient destination. Nearby attractions include the Okareka Walkway and the Lake Okareka Lodge as well as the Thermal Village. The Lake Okareka Lodge by lebua is located 15 minutes from the Rotorua International Airport. Public transit offers easy access to the airport as well as to the many attractions and points of interest located throughout the city. The hotel also offers airport transfer service.
Each of the guestrooms at the Lake Okareka Lodge by lebua offers numerous amenities. Rooms include climate controls, Internet access, plasma screen televisions, and modern furnishings. Rooms also include en-suite bathrooms and private balconies.
Guests of the Lake Okareka Lodge by lebua will find shopping and dining nearby as well as kayaking and other leisure activities. The hotel offers numerous amenities, including a spa, a private beach, a dining room, and even personal chef and butler services. The hotel also offers a private helipad as well as a library and a fitness room.