Jack & Di's Waiteti Lakefront Motel is located along the shores of Lake Rotorua. Nearby attractions include the Waiteti trout stream and the many geothermal areas. Guests will find themselves within easy reach of the Polynesian Spa from this Rotorua accommodation. Jack & Di's Waiteti Lakefront Motel is located along the city’s bus route. Public transit offers guests easy access to the nearby Rotorua airport, as well as to the many attractions and points of interest that are found throughout the city.
Jack & Di's Waiteti Lakefront Motel offers travelers large self contained units. Each unit offers climate controls and can suit up to six guests. Each room also offers a full kitchen as well as a private bathroom.
Guests of Jack & Di's Waiteti Lakefront Motel will find that in addition to shopping and dining, leisure activities abound nearby. The hotel offers fishing and swimming as well as a barbecue area, a trampoline, and a playhouse. The hotel also offers a hot spa and large gardens.