Nestled in the heart of the city, the Grand Hotel Rotorua offers guests easy access to the visitor information center. Nearby attractions include Kuirau Park, the convention center, and the Polynesian Spa. The Government Gardens are also near this hotel in Rotorua. The Grand Hotel Rotorua is located only a short distance from the local airport. Public transit stops are located quite near the hotel and can escort guests to the airport as well as to points of interest throughout the city.
All 38 of the guestrooms at the Grand Hotel Rotorua offer travelers a wide selection of amenities. Rooms include broadband Internet as well as climate controls, televisions, fridges, and tea and coffee makers. Rooms also include minibars and en-suite bathrooms.
The Grand Hotel Rotorua places guests within easy reach of shopping, dining, and leisure activities. Onsite amenities of the hotel include a bar and restaurant as well as a function room. The hotel also offers an Internet hotspot and a laundry area.