The Executive on Fenton is located on the popular Fenton Street. This hotel in Rotorua offers travelers easy access to many local attractions. The town center is located only about ten minutes' walk from the hotel. The Executive on Fenton is situated a short distance from the international airport which, along with other Rotorua points of interest, can be easily reached using the city’s public transit system as well as by using taxi cabs.
Each of the guestrooms at the four star Executive on Fenton offers travelers numerous amenities. All rooms include broadband Internet, digital television, DVD players, and spa pools. Each room also offers a private bathroom and a courtyard as well as a microwave.
Guests visiting the Executive on Fenton will find that shopping, dining, and leisure activities are never far away. The hotel offers many onsite amenities, including an Internet kiosk and full business services. The hotel also offers a choice of a full cooked or Continental breakfast.