The last Ice Age lasted 100,000 years and formed the moraine on which Larvik and Norway’s largest beech forest rest. Roughly 10,000 years ago the ice retreated, and water filtered through the gravel beds and formed a pure, nutritious spring. Mineral-rich spring water has poured out in Larvik since the dawn of time. Steeped in nutrients. Health-bringing. In 1843, Karen Linaae established the first spa at this natural spring. In 1880, Dr. Ingebrigt Holm built a new spa. It was frequented by the likes of Ibsen and Bjørnson, Lagerlof and Hamsun. They stayed here, danced here, and partook in the curative spa. Soon, the effervescent, heath-bringing water from Larvik was known throughout Europe. The story of the new Farris BadIn 1990, Mille Marie Treschow launched the first idea of building a hotel at Barretistranda. When construction started in 2007 it hailed the end to years of negotiations to acquire permission. In 2005 the project was stopped by the Norwegian Ministry of Environment and Chief County Executive Mona Røkke. For ten months, the plans were in danger of being shelved; but after making changes to the drawings, establishing a public beach zone and mobilising a 10,000-signature petition, the plans were finally approved. On 5 March 2009, the new Farris Bad was officially opened with one foot on land and one foot in the sea, with one foot in history and one foot in the future. The hotel has 176 rooms, including 10 ocean suites and 40 spa rooms. The hotel is owned by Mille Marie Treschow and Stein Erik Hagen, each with a 50% share. The total investment is in the region of NOK 350 million. Farris Bad is operated by Choice Hotels Scandinavia AS, the largest hotel chain in Scandinavia with more than 8,000 employees and an annual turnover of over NOK 5 billion. Farris Bad is the first brand name in Norway that Choice has launched as a unique “stand alone” brand. Farris Bad shall therefore be developed as an independent brand. This description is based on information provided by the hotel.