This hotel in Oaxaca is known as the Hotel Casa De Sierra Azul Oaxaca, and is found within two blocks of the Zocalo downtown area. The accommodation known as the Hotel Casa De Sierra Azul Oaxaca has a physical address of Hidalgo 1002 Esq Fiallo in Oaxaca, Mexico.
This hotel offers 15 guestrooms. The Hotel Casa De Sierra Azul Oaxaca offers modern comforts like carved wooden furniture, tiled floors and stucco walls. There are also high-domed ceilings and high windows. Guests can look forward to private bath facilities with tiled showers. Visitors can choose between junior suites, double rooms, double rooms with king-sized beds, or single rooms. For entertainment there is cable TV. Air conditioning is available in some rooms.
This property is over 200 years old. The Hotel Casa De Sierra Azul Oaxaca offers a nice ambiance full of contemporary oil paintings, frescoes and columned arcades. Pure water is available for guests. Other facilities include a laundry room, room cleaning and a wellness center with massage services, hair dressing services and manicures.