Due to the convenient location, it is suitable for both business executives and leisure travelers. (0804HT)Rooms are medium in size. All room equipped with a trouser press and other modern amenities. Bathrooms are in good condition. Rooms are medium in size. All room equipped with a trouser press and other modern amenities. Bathrooms are in good condition. The hotel is located in the heart of Sendai City. 1 minute walk from the Hirose-dori subway station, which is one stop away from JR Sendai Station. The famous shopping area, Kokubun-cho, is within walking distance. The hotel features two restaurants and a bar. One of the restaurant located on the 13th floor offers Chinese dishes and the other provides meals in casual atmosphere from morning to evening. The architecture is a modern, 13-storey building in blown. The entrance is designed in elegant style. The lobby is very large and provides a spacious seating area. Many antique objects and arts from Europe and Asia can also be found in the lobby area.