The APA Villa Hotel Yodoyabashi is located at in central Osaka. This Osaka hotel is nearby landmarks like the International Convention Hall, the Maritime Museum, the Tennoji Zoo, the Tsurumi Hanaport Blossom and the Osaka Dome. The APA Villa Hotel Yodoyabashi is located at 3-1-9 Fushimi Machi Chuo Ku in Osaka 541-0044 in Japan. This hotel is about one kilometer from the JR Osaka Station. This location is in the city center and thus has easy access to taxis, buses, subways, trains and even private railways like Nankai, Hankyu and Hanshin.
Guestrooms at the APA Villa Hotel Yodoyabashi are well-appointed and feature modern amenities. Guests can expect to find air conditioned units, satellite television, private bathrooms and telephones. There are also many niceties like radios, hairdryer and soaps. Renters can order single or twin rooms. You can also request facilities for disabled visitors.
Amenities at the APA Villa Hotel Yodoyabashi include an on-site restaurant (which serves Japanese delicacies), laundry services, a lobby area, reception area and spa.