If you are looking for a comfortable, cosy, quiet and family place, you've reached the right destination, in our little oasis we would be happy to satisfy your necessities of a working or tourist stay. For people who work, our position is the best to join in few minutes the industrial area of Padova, the motorway's entrance of Padova East and Riviera del Brenta's shoe factories. Hotel Piccola Oasi is along the road that links Padova to Venezia, for tourists it's very easy to reach the historical centre of Padova, the wonderful Riviera del Brenta with its great Villas and Venezia thanks to the bus service which passes just in front of us. In the morning you can take a continental breakfast, for lunch or dinner you can find a restaurant alongside the Hotel. Our services includes:- a big private parking- WiFi in rooms- bar service- we accept credit cards.