The B&B is very near the city centre and ‘Borgo Trento Hospital’.The B&B is also served by three bus lines (21, 22 and 24). These buses take you to:1.the city centre (Arena, Teatro Romano, Piazza delle Erbe, Duomo, Chiesa di San Fermo, Chiesa di Santa Anastasia…)2.the train station ‘Verona Porta Nuova’ (which is connected throug a bus line to the airport ‘Valerio Catullo’3.the exhibition centre (Vinitaly, Marmomac, Fiera Cavalli, Fieragricola, Vivi la Casa, Job & Orienta)4.Clinica San Francesco (five minutes on foot)5.Policlinico Borgo Roma 6.the high-way exit. In the B&B there are also maps and other leaflets about Verona. The B&B is part of a block of flats and so we recommend you to respect the other families.