This aristoratic building is in the heart of the historic little town of Sant'Antimo, 10 km. from Naples. Surronded by churches and convents on all sides. It was built between the 1600's and 800's, it's grouped around a large courtyerd paved in stones from Vesuvius. In the middle, a magnificent palm tree is a reminder we are in the south of Italy. Thirty minutes from Naples, Pompei, sorrentina and amalfitana coast line and Caserta whit his own royal palace. This BandB is an ideal place for going for some trips and running away from the stress of the metropolis. You can find the relax you 've lost!The building has been lovingly restored to its former splendour by your hostess, an artist whose atelier is on the round floor. The big rooms are new and well furnishes, completely autonomies, whit private bathrooms, and air-conditioned. The breakfast is served in the room or in the garden. You can eat some delectable of specialites of the region Campania, like the sfogliatella napoletana