Many Sanremo accommodations, like Memole Inn Sanremo, are located in the city center, near many tourist attractions. Guests of the hotel can visit the Ariston Theater, the Municipal Casino, and the many beach resorts throughout the city. The Villa Novel and the Old Town are also close. Since most attractions are only a few hundred meters away, guests can travel by foot during their stay. Transportation options to and from the airport should be discussed with Memole Inn Sanremo staff.
All rooms at Memole Inn Sanremo are equipped with standard amenities. The interior has been updated with modern décor. Guests can make free telephone calls to any landline in the world, watch satellite TV with over 900 channels, and connect to the Internet free of charge. Air conditioning, hair dryers, irons, and a private bath are also included. Furnishings are modern.
The hotel has recently been updated so that guests can use automated computers to check-in and out. Facilities include a spa with massage, a business center, and elevators. At Memole Inn Sanremo, children under two years old stay for free. Pets are also welcome.