This hotel in San Gimignano allows guests to enjoy views of the town and countryside. Guests of the Palazzo al Torrione will find themselves close to such art cities as Colle Val D’Elsa. Day trips to Florence or Sienna are reasonable from this hotel. Nearby Poggibonsi offers numerous shopping opportunities. Guests will find many restaurants and cafes to sample. Tennis courts and golf courses are both nearby. Valet parking is available to guests of the Palazzo al Torrione. There is a bus stop close by. The Florence airport is convenient to the hotel. Access to the Florence/Siena highway is available from nearby Poggibonsi.
Each of the rooms offers modern conveniences. Guests at the Palazzo al Torrione will be able to enjoy a mini-bar inside of their room, as well as a television. Each room has an individual bathroom with a shower. Each room is individually air conditioned.
This is a bed and breakfast located in an ancient building. While fully renovated, the Palazzo al Torrione has used furnishings that would have been accurate to the building’s past.