This accommodation in Ravenna is located near the business area. Guests of the Hotel Mosaico will also be close to the Mausoleum of Teodorico. Guests will be within half a mile of the cathedral, as well as the Basilica of Sant’Appolinare Nuovo. Guests will also be close to the Mirabilandia amusement park. The Hotel Mosaico is near Ravenna’s train station. Parking is available on-site to accommodate motorists.
The Hotel Mosaico offers 29 guestrooms. Each is sound proofed and air conditioned. Individual bathrooms also offer showers and hair dryers. Guests can enjoy fireplaces, mini-bars, cable television and telephones inside of their room.
The Hotel Mosaico offers a 24 hour front desk. Staff at the front desk will assist with reservations for restaurants, exhibitions, and concerts. Guests can enjoy the daily complimentary breakfast buffet. A small modern coffee shop allows guests views of the hotel garden. Guests can also enjoy the laundry facilities. Wireless Internet access is available.