The Columbia Hotel Ravenna is located on the seafront of Marina Romea, within the Po Delta National Park. It is 12 km from Ravenna. Guests will be able to enjoy a variety of local attractions, from Dante’s tomb to the Miribilandia amusement park. A variety of dining and shopping options is available in Ravenna. The Columbia Hotel Ravenna offers bicycles to help guests get around. There is access to all major roadways. Once guests are in Ravenna they can catch the bus or use the train station.
Visitors will find the Columbia Hotel Ravenna offers the in-room amenities one might expect from a hotel of its class. The air conditioned and centrally heated rooms offer color satellite TV, safes, and balconies. Many rooms also have a fridge. Guests will have the use of their own bathrooms.
The Columbia Hotel Ravenna offers an on-site restaurant and reception center. There is a bar for guests to enjoy. There is also a garden containing a playground for younger guests. The meeting room seats up to 30 people and contains audio-visual equipment. There is also a swimming pool on site, as well as a private beach. WiFi Internet is available.