This accommodation in Lecce is called the L'Orangerie d'Epoque. It is found in the historic center of the city in the southern region of Italy. There are a variety of craft fairs, museums, wine tasting restaurants and shopping centers nearby. This hotel is found at Via Lo Re 24 in Lecce, Apulia. You can reach the hotel by driving Bari E55 as far as Brindisi or arrive via plane using Brindisi Airport. The airport is about 30 kilometers away. The nearest train station is the FFSS Lecce Station.
Modern conveniences include TV sets, kitchenettes with kitchen facilities, and private bathrooms. The L'Orangerie d'Epoque offers apartment accommodations. Guests can stay in double bedrooms and enjoy spacious living quarters, fireplaces, sofas, vaulted ceilings and stone furnishings.
The bed and breakfast inn is found in an old 18th century building. Guests who stay here can expect to find luxuriant orange groves, and inner garden courtyards. The L'Orangerie d'Epoque also offers special cooking and cultural shows on-site.