The hotel has a heated pool, a play-ground and plenty of parking space. 0207.This hotel has 118 rooms all of which are fully equipped. Bathrooms have light beige ceramics with pink furnishings. The rooms are pink. There are no balconies. Some rooms have views of Massada and the Dead Sea. This hotel has 118 rooms all of which are fully equipped. Bathrooms have light beige ceramics with pink furnishings. The rooms are pink. There are no balconies. Some rooms have views of Massada and the Dead Sea. The hotel is situated at the end of the city, facing Massada and the Dead Sea, which can be seen from some of the rooms. The city of Arad is located on the edge of the Negev and Judea Desert and is well known for its healthy, cool, dry and clean air which is recommended for asthma sufferers and general illnesses. The dining room accommodates up to 200 people with a self-service buffet, although lunch is served. The walls are bright with large wooden framed view-facing windows. This is a modern building. The lobby can accommodate 50 people and has oak wood furniture with an annexed gallery-bar.