About Parizsi udvar:If you are on the hunt for a wonderful place to go in Budapest, without tons of crowds and a beautiful setting, you simply have to go to the Parizsi udvar (Paris Court). Although not the bustling place it once was, this elegant shopping arcade (designed by Henrik Schmahl in 1913) is well-worth a visit, particularly as it's just around the corner from Vaci utca. This building was originally designed to be a shopping center and apartment-house in 1913 by the famous architect Henrik Schmahl. The designer knew what he was doing when he added elegant motifs and mosaics to the interior of the Parizsi udvar. The building, which was originally commissioned by a savings bank, contains motifs, mosaics and ornaments of every description, with fragile and intricate woodwork forming part of the roof structure. Today, it still looks impressive from outside and inside and is well worth walking through the Art-Nouveau-arcades, made in neo-gothic and partly in neo-Byzantyne styles. Parizsi udvar is in the very center of Pest, where Kigyo and Kossuth streets meet. This is just about 100 meters from another monument building Klothilden Palace and some 400 meters from the famous Elisabeth-bridge. One of the most elegant bridges on the river Danube. It is interesting to say that the entire area managed to preserve its shopping atmosphere that it had from the beginning of 20th century. Along Vaci street there are numerous shops and department stores with world most famous brands crowded with foreign tourists with good taste. However, after you get tired of shopping, you can enjoy in good Hungarian food in some of the best restaurants on Duna corso or have a slice of delicious Eszterhazy cake and a cup of coffee in Geaurbould. Apartment is about 75 sqm in size and on the 3rd floor. It has 2 rooms, kitchen, hall, bathroom and a dining room. One room has one double bed, and 1 additional guest bed. The second room has one single sofa and a double convertible sofa. Kitchen is equipped with fridge, stove, microwave, coffee maker, and self catering. Bathroom has bathing tub with shower, sink and washing machine. Apartment has TV set with cable TV and a laptop computer with wireless connection. Apartment is maximum for 6 people.