The Zachos Hotel Skiathos is situated near Skiathos Town. The hotel offers travelers convenient access to the many famous beaches on offer on this island. There are also many parks and cultural sites located throughout the area. The Zachos Hotel Skiathos offers easy access to the public buses in Skiathos that offer access to attractions and the local airport. The airport offers access to the mainland and the international airport. The island also offers rental car services for guests looking for more flexible transportation options.
Each of the guestrooms at the Zachos Hotel Skiathos offers a self catering environment. All rooms include a kitchen, a television, and individual climate controls. Each of the 32 studio apartments also offers a private bathroom.
Guests of the Zachos Hotel Skiathos will find the area’s taverns, restaurants, and shopping areas within easy reach. There is a bar located right onsite for guests to enjoy. The hotel also offers a television room as well as a parking area.