Watersports on the beach.,The accommodation consists of studios for 2 and spacious one bedroom apartments that can easily sleep up to 4 adults. There are 2 couch beds in the living area and a separate kitchen. All rooms have satellite TV. Safety deposit boxes are available. There is a small bar which serves inside or outside on the pool terrace throughout the day and into the evening. The snackbar serves light meals such as salads and sandwiches as well as cooked breakfasts to start the day. (some facilites are at an extra charge payable locally),Located in a quiet side street in a beautiful green garden the 36 apartments are within within walking distance (200m)to the beach and the center of Ipsos with numerous bars, restaurants and shops.,AnnaLisa Hotel Apartments is a lovely small property set in a peaceful surrounding - the ideal place for a relaxing holiday. There is a small bar which serves inside or outside on the pool terrace throughout the day and into the evening. The snackbar serves light meals such as salads and sandwiches as well as cooked breakfasts to start the day,