In case of arrival outside business hours of reception, please make use of our check-in terminal. In this case, please contact the hotel prior to receive your reservation number. Apart from the hotelomat, the hotel also has a telephone number for emergencies. For the hotelomat, the reservation number (without letters) has to be used. Everything you may need… The rooms of Motel One Kassel are equipped with double bed, flatscreen TV, air-conditioning, work space, washing stand and tiled bathrooms with shower and WC and WLAN. For your car… ...a free car park is available directly at the building. In some establishments, we also offer parking spaces in underground garages for a fee. We are looking forward to your visit… Please note that our establishment is a non-smoking hotel. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 06:00 to 00:00 On the weekend: from 07:00 to 00:00 .