Guests of the Merian Hotel can enjoy being close to tourist attractions that are no more than a walk away. You can also see other sights in the Inner City by traveling by train. Amenities of the hotel include hotel parking and a restaurant that serves breakfast buffets and can be used for parties or other events. The Merian Hotel is just a few minutes from the Dome and train station. The airport Cologne-Bonn is 30 minutes by car. The Central Station, airport shuttle bus and subway are in walking distance from your accommodations in Cologne.
The Merian Hotel offers single and double rooms with shower, color television, radio, mini-bar, telephone, hairdryer and illuminated shaving-mirrors. There is also one suite.
The Merian Hotel is near the centre of Cologne. Use the train to go into the Inner City for shopping or visiting the Cologne Exhibitions. Additional sightseeing includes Cologne Cathedral, The Hohe Strasse and the Roman Germanic Museum. The hotel offers WiFi in the lobby.