Situated centrally within the city, the Hotel Der Kleine Prinz offers guests easy access to many area attractions. Guests will enjoy close proximity to such attractions as the casino, the pedestrian zone, the spa area, the opera, the Festival Hall, and the Museum of Frieder Burda. The Rhine River and a golf course are both just twenty minutes from the accommodation. Parking is available on-site at the Hotel Der Kleine Prinz. Many area attractions are just a short walk away. Public transportation options are available as well.
The guestrooms and suites of the Hotel Der Kleine Prinz include fireplaces, private balconies, whirlpool tubs, and such amenities as private bathrooms and wireless Internet access. Each of the guestrooms includes individual style and décor.
The Hotel Der Kleine Prinz offers a selection of modern amenities, including a restaurant, a meeting space, a conference center, a bar, a library, a complimentary tea and coffee service, and wireless Internet access. The hotel includes modern amenities and classic décor.