In the midst of the forest, off the busy roads, you will find Waldhotel Palmspring, our "hotel in the woodlands". From here you will enjoy a wonderful view over the summits of the Black Forest. Here you will find time to relax, shed off the signs of stress and have fun. It is our first and foremost concern that our guests should feel at home with us. For decades our guests have praised the relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the hotel, which remains the same through all the seasons of the year. The cosiness of our restaurant and the comfortable and snug guest rooms will give you a home away from home - in the midst of the Black Forest. Bad Peterstal-Griesbach is easy to reach by car and train. If you travel on the A5 (Rhine Valley motorway), take the exit Appenweier. Coming on the A 81 (the motorway leading to the Lake of Constance), take the exit Horb and you will reach our spa in approximately 30-40 minutes. The traveller can also reach Bad Peterstal-Griesbach by public means of transport via the railway line connecting Appenweier with Bad Peterstal.