Aguila de Osa a rainforest and marine adventure lodge on Costa Rica*s pristine Osa Peninsula where 2. 5 percent of the earths flora and fauna are found. The lodge is adjacent to renowned Corcovado National Park, a place National Geographic calls one of the most bio-intense places on earth.
Aguila de Osa is perched high on a bluff overlooking the blue waters of Drake Bay and the Pacific Ocean. It is one of the only places in Costa Rica where you can enjoy the majesty of the Scarlet Macaw, the Chestnut Mandibled Toucan, The Red Capped Manakin, along with 350 other species of beautiful birds. Cano Island Biological Reserve is one of the top two best places for diving and snorkeling in Costa Rica. Cano Island is also the shared destination of two different migrations of humpback whales, one from the Southern Antarctic and the other from Northern Alaska and California area. The longest known migration of humpback whales in the world is the 14,000 kilometers from the Antarctic to Cano Island. Some of the world*s best sport fishing is located off the Osa Peninsula. If you are looking for the remarkable experience of great service, great food, meeting people from all over the world, and life adventures in the rain forest and marine frontiers of Costa Rica, then Aguila de Osa is the right place for you.