This hotel in Tianjin is within sight of the main rail station. The Tian Bo Hotel Tianjin is also close to the Hai He river, Golden Street, and within 10 minutes' drive of the two famous universities of Tianjin. It is a 20 minute drive from the airport to the Tian Bo Hotel Tianjin. Guest may walk to the main railway station if they choose, or taxis are widely available. Private transfers can also be arranged with the front desk.
There are 170 rooms at the Tian Bo Hotel Tianjin. Rooms have modern amenities, including air conditioning, satellite TV, Internet access, mini bars, safe boxes, and private baths.
The Tian Bo Hotel Tianjin is a 12 story business and leisure property built in 1997 and remodeled in 2004. It has a three star rating, and its own full service restaurant on site specializing in Cantonese and regional dishes. The hotel has three conference rooms which can accommodate up to 200 people. There is a workout room with fitness equipment. Other amenities include a bar, KTV, games room, and limited amounts of parking.