Situated in the heart of the city, the Kubitschek Plaza Hotel offers travelers a convenient location for exploration. Nearby, guests will find the National Theatre as well as many other attractions. The shopping center is also located within walking distance. The Kubitschek Plaza Hotel is located along the city’s bus and metro lines. Public transit offers easy access to the airport as well as to the many attractions and points of interest found throughout the city of Brasilia.
Each of the 389 guestrooms at the Kubitschek Plaza Hotel is well equipped. All rooms include television as well as telephones, climate controls, and more. Each room also offers a private en-suite bathroom for guest convenience.
Guests of the Kubitschek Plaza Hotel will find many restaurants and leisure activities in the area. The hotel offers an onsite restaurant as well as a coffee bar. Other amenities include a swimming pool, a beauty salon, a sauna, a fitness center, and a business center.