The Marjorie II Hotel Antwerp is located near many city attractions. Guests of this Antwerp hotel will find that they are within walking distance of the city center. The hotel also offers travelers easy access to the city’s historic old port. The Marjorie II Hotel Antwerp is located only a short distance from Antwerp public transit stops. Public transit, rental cars, and taxi cabs all offer travelers convenient access to local points of interest as well as to the airport, which is located only a short driving distance from the hotel.
All of the guestrooms at the hotel offer wireless Internet access. Each room is warmly decorated and offers a number of services and amenities for travelers to enjoy. All guestrooms include a modern en suite bathroom.
Guests will find that there are numerous shops and restaurants throughout the area. The hotel offers an onsite breakfast as well as a restaurant and lounge. There is a lovely waterfront terrace at the hotel.